Come out to play! — Thistledown

Teagan's Books

This is your chance to become a character in a new story! Or rather have a character with your fantastical pseudonym. 

1920s Peoples home journal girl parrotIt began as a bit of fun on Facebook with one of those silly find-your-whatever name things.  It was one of many “What’s Your Fairy Name?” graphics.  Cute, I thought, But too cute. I posted my wish for a less frilly fairy name, and vowed to make my own game.

Well the frilly fairy names caught on, and next thing I knew, I had taken a challenge from Colleen Chesebro to make it into a story.  …And I’ve already admitted that I’m just not able to continue Truths Unseen.  …And you know I enjoy featuring other bloggers.  So I decided to turn it into a story here, a pantser, fairy story — and include everybody!

If you want to join the fun, find your…

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