Authors: Should You Set Up Your Own Business? An Attorney Answers

Motown Writers Network . . . Michigan Literary Network

author toolkits

Hi Sylvia,

You’re an author. But should you also be a business?

Some of you may be asking yourselves, “Hey, I’m a writer, why should I set up a business?”

I’m here to tell you that setting up a business is a good idea, and that’s exactly what I did when I first became a self-publisher back in the 1980s.

There are many advantages to adopting good business practices, especially if you are self-publishing.

  • You’ll have more time for writing—You’ll save yourself hours of frustration digging through piles of stuff trying to find information.
  • You’ll be ready for success—As your sales increase, you will be prepared to measure and manage that growth.
  • You’ll avoid losses—If you have a better handle on cash flow, you’ll know when your expenses are getting too far ahead of your income.
  • You’ll know what works—If you have a method of tracking…

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