Fiction Query Letters: How to Write One

Check out these helpful tips on writing a fiction query letter from Michael Dellert’s blog


Last week, we talked a bit about fiction query letters: what they are and why you need one if you’re going to approach literary agents. This week, we’re going to go the next step: How to write a fiction query letter.

Fiction Query Letters and Literary Agents

But before we do that, I’ll be honest with you again: I’m not an expert in this subject. I don’t have any successful query letters of my own to share with you. I’ve not yet acquired an agent of my own to represent me. This is simply the next goal I’ve set for myself as I build my writing career, the next horizon toward which this adventure in indie publishing is taking me.

But I worked in publishing for a long time and learned a few things along the way. I’ll share with you what I know, what I’ve learned, and the steps I’m taking toward that goal…

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