10 Writing Tips – Part 4

This is the last in my series of Writing Tips. I hope they have been helpful. If you want to check out the first three parts, you can click on the links below:

dotsTip 31 – Let the Reader Connect the Dots

You don’t have to account for every minute of your characters day. You just need to provide enough information so that time jumps won’t lose your reader. If nothing happens to advance the story during a certain interval, you can leave it out.

Good-talkTip 32 – Tell a Good Story, but Make Your Dialog Count

You can have the best story in the world and do a masterful job describing the people, places and things, but if your dialog is weak, you’ll lose your reader.


Tip 33 – Your Readers have Five Senses

The best writers can transport their readers to real or imagined places. You can do this by giving your reader an idea of how the surroundings look, what the character smells, how food tastes, what the sounds are, and how something feels when they touch it.


Tip 34 – Borrow Techniques from Other Writing Forms

You may not be a poet, but you can borrow techniques from poetry in your writing. Alliteration, rhythm, pacing and other techniques can help your writing move along or have a unique voice.


Tip 35 – Editing and Rewriting is More than Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation

Your editing and rewriting should include checking for: plot holes, character consistency, missing scenes, unnecessary scenes,  and accurate research.

trimTip 36  – Remove Anything that is Unnecessary

This tip may seem redundant as it is part of the previous tip on editing and rewriting. It merits it’s own tip, however. You will lose the interest of your reader if you have a lot of unnecessary narrative or dialog. Trim it out.


Tip 37 – Make Sure That You Get Some Fresh Eyes On Your Work

Use beta readers, join a writing group, reach out to other trusted authors or anyone that can give you constructive, honest feedback on your work. You won’t regret it and the quality of your work will improve.

threeTip 38 – Don’t Share Your Rough Draft With Anyone But Your Editor Until You Revise it Three TImes

You will be amazed at the errors that will reveal themselves each time you revise your document. Usually, after three revisions, it will be clean enough to share with your beta readers and your writing group.


Tip 39  – Collect Your Favorite Writing Tips Into a Notebook or Document

You can create a checklist from your favorite writing tips and put your writing through it as you prepare to send out your revised draft. You’ll be amazed at how many rules you’ll start to internalize the more you write.


Tip 40 – Have Fun.

You need to enjoy writing. If you’re an independent author, the fun may be the only thing keeping you going at times.

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