Sunday Funny – Workouts

Mike-Running-on-Treadmill-Monsters-IncAs my wife and I wrestled our treadmill into a spot that it can be used she gave me the ultimatum that if it isn’t used regularly in the next month, we’re selling it. It seems my last excuse to not use it is gone, so I will be trying to get my happy butt onto the treadmill each morning to wake myself up so that I can have more energetic blog posts. At least that’s the theory.

Here are some jokes about exercising that I will probably be thinking about as I do this.


Need exercise? Yoga class is great. You can close your eyes and imagine yourself in a relaxing place. Like on your couch not doing Yoga.


When I was younger, I looked forward to getting up early in the morning to exercise. Now, getting out of bed in the morning is my exercise.


I joined a health club on an exercise special, I spent about $39 every month and haven’t lost a pound. Apparently you have to show up.

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