The Devaluation of Writing

Here are some things to ponder about today’s writing environment. Good post.


fuck you pay me goodfellas writing

MAYBE IT’S THE proliferation of social media; 140 characters on Twitter, as many as you like on Facebook. Maybe there’s a valid reason? Maybe, like oil or energy, it cannot be replenished. Well – no. No maybes required. The devaluation of writing is through sheer greed and a lack of regard for art and the product of creativity.

The worst example to date is the Huffington Post. No matter who you are, no matter what you write and how much of it you write about, they do not pay. Well known persona? Doesn’t matter. HuffPo worth $400m will not pay you a cent in any currency. Get this. As the content provider, you are expected to live off exposure. I know people who have died from exposure literally and figuratively, because you can’t withdraw exposure from a bank machine. Hey barman, don’t worry, yeah, I know I owe you…

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