Why I’m a Writer Who Writes About Writing So Other Writers Can Write Too

Check out this post from the Novelty Revisions Blog with the topic: Why I’m a Writer Who Writes About Writing So Other Writers Can Write Too

Meg Dowell Writes

I spend a lot of time each week creating content for this blog and my YouTube channel (where I talk about all the writing things). As I should — when I decide to do something, I go all in, and the more time I spend on it, the better the quality of whatever I happen to be working on at the time.

This is, however, valuable time I don’t always feel like I have. Let’s say I spend 10 hours per week doing Novelty Revisions work (it’s probably more than that, but whatever). That’s 10 hours I could spend working on my own projects.

Instead, I spend that time writing about writing. Teaching/Helping other people do their own writing instead of working on my own. I think that’s time well spent. Many may disagree.

I’ll never forget the time I heard an author say during a Q&A, “Stop wasting your…

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