7 Tips for Writing Fantasy

Check out this great post from Nicholas Rossis’ blog with 7 Tips for Writing Fantasy

Nicholas C. Rossis

Reedsy recently published some great tips for fantasy authors–tips which can be easily applied to any fiction writing. Here is my summary of a selection of these tips.

Fantasy landscape Earth | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books Image: Pixabay

1. Identify your Market

If you think it’s enough to say, “oh, I write fantasy,” think again. With so many fantasy genres, readers tend to cluster around specific subgenres which can range from Harry Potter to steampunk and Young Adult.

2. Use Short Stories

This was a great tip, reminding us of the value of short stories to flesh out our world and characters. When you write these with the specific aim of excluding them from your novels, you will find that you have more creative freedom and can discover surprising things about your universe.

3. Tie your World-building into your Plot

The best example to describe this is Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire. The whole fantasy premise flows…

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