Guest author: Lizzie Chantree ~ Follow your dreams. They know the way…

Meet Guest author, Lizzie Chantree, from this post on Sue Vincent’s blog

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Hello everyone. My name is Lizzie Chantree and I am a romance author who writes novels that will hopefully make you smile. I am also a business mentor and my books are full of strong women with some pretty zany business ideas! I run a networking hour on Twitter called #CreativeBizHour to support creatives and really enjoy hearing from people who are following their dreams.

My books all have women in them who are stronger than they realise and because writing helped me through hard times in my life when my daughter was unwell for many years, I write stories full of love, romance and sunshine, in the hope of lifting others through their own troubled times.

One of my recent romance reads is called Ninja School Mum. It is about a single mum, called Skye, who is running from her past while trying to protect the future of…

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