Why An Idea Always Sounds Better in Your Head

Check out this post from the Novelty Revisions Blog that tells us Why An Idea Always Sounds Better in Your Head

Meg Dowell Writes

It’s happened to every single one of us at least once since we started writing.

You’ll just be minding your own business and BOOM! A brand-new idea for a book or a poem or a video or a song pops into your head and wow, it’s a GREAT idea. You should start working on it RIGHT NOW!

And you do. But you very quickly get the feeling your idea — the same idea that sounded so great and that got you so excited five minutes ago — is actually a terrible idea.

To be clear, there are many ideas that sound great at first but really do end up being awful ideas that aren’t worth pursuing at all. But this isn’t always the case.

Sometimes, the idea is still good. It just looks and feels different when you start pulling it apart. Why is that?

What it really comes down…

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