Fictional Vigilantes: When The Law Is Optional

Check out this post from Charles Yallowitz on his Legends Windemere Blog on Fictional Vigilantes: When The Law Is Optional

Legends of Windemere

Punisher vs Batman

I wonder if I’ve ever written a real vigilante, but I don’t think I have.  Windemere has laws, but adventuring is allowed and that covers a lot of the same ground.  One could say the champions aren’t vigilantes because they were chosen by Gabriel the Destiny God and a major part of this archetype is that they take the law into their own hands.  Cassidy and Lloyd Tenay are mercenaries in Bedlam, Ichabod Brooks is an adventurer for hire, and the Dawn Fangs have their own society in War of Nytefall.  What I’m getting at here is that I haven’t really attempted the character type that I’m about to discuss.

First of all, the key point is that a vigilante is taking the law into their own hands.  Either they think the law is too weak or they want to help by working outside the law…

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