The 2018 Interview Series Featuring Susan Rovens

This week, I’m happy to interview author and blogger Susan Rovens.

author picDo you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

It’s too difficult to “know” what readers want since every person is different. People’s circumstances and preferences are always changing, so what they like one year may be completely the opposite the next year. So, with that being the case, I write what I deem original and hope that it finds an audience.

 What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

boBurnt Offerings by Robert Marasco

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones?

I don’t have that many reviews to read! LOL! (I need more reviews, folks!) No, I welcome any honest review – good OR bad. I know my work is not for everyone, so there will always be those that don’t care for what I’ve written. However, if someone does not like one of my books, it would be helpful to know why (and not just say ‘this sucks’…)

Of course, if someone likes my work, I certainly enjoy knowing that and reading what they say in a review. Who doesn’t?

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

I don’t know if you’d call it secrets, but I do give many of my characters some traits of people I know. Once in a while, I’ll put in a name or place that means something, but it’s not really a secret or an Easter egg.

Do you Google yourself?

I do. BUT…

As an indie, non-famous author, I also have to be a PR person, a marketer, and a social media ‘coordinator’. So, sometimes I do have to poke around the internet to see where my stuff is showing up (and where it’s not), what folks are saying (or not saying), and see where I’m making any kind of splash (or in my case, a drip).

If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?

Read more.

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

On average? I’d say about two years. I work full-time, do all the household stuff everyone else does, run, lift weights, blog… So, yeah, it takes some time.

Sue’s Books:

Boook Cover

Connect with Sue:

My blog/website:

My email:


About Sue:

Sue Rovens is a suspense/psychological-horror indie author who is an active member of the Chicago Writers Association. She has produced two novels, Badfish and Track 9, and two short story collections, In a Corner, Darkly: Volumes 1 and 2 (think Twilight Zone kicked up a notch), all of which are available on Amazon.

A third novel, Buried, is being Beta-read now and the hope is to have it available to the public sometime in 2019.

Sue also runs a blog: A portion of the site is dedicated to interviews with authors from a variety of genres and professional levels in a Meet & Greet Section. The site is quite active and new content is being added weekly.

When not writing, Sue watches movies, reads, lifts weights, plays with Noodle and Monkey (2 adorable kitties) and enjoys the occasional piece of cheese. She also runs, slowly…geese have been known to out-lap her.

More information about Sue, her books, events, and lots of other information can be found at


9 thoughts on “The 2018 Interview Series Featuring Susan Rovens

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