How to write a good one-sentence pitch

Check out this helpful post from Jean’s Writing blog on how to write a good one-sentence pitch

Jean's Writing

Don’t you just love how-to writing instructions?

I know I do!

You must admit, DIY is a lot easier with a little help from friends.

That’s why I absolutely love an article from Karen Cioffi and Writers On The Move!

I admit, writing a one-sentence pitch is hard and something I’ve yet to completely agree. But I keep working on it. That’s why I was so excited to read this easy explanation of what does and does not work. And why!

When selecting a book to read, the first thing I read is the pitch. If that is too confusing or convoluted I pass. Why? Because that pitch is a good indicator the story inside will be more of the same.

Karen gives examples of how and how not to write a pitch/logline for your book. She explains why one is so important and even gives us a formula. I just…

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