KDP & Permafree

Check out this helpful post from the Plaisted Publishing House on the topic of making books permafree and the KDP implications.

Plaisted Publishing

pay-706798_1920When you wish to have an ebook FREE forever on Amazon you have to ask and show proof that your ebook is already FREE with other distributers.  Well if you are publishing through KDP then use the APPLE links (worldwide) when you contact them.  Of course they will never guarentee they will make it FREE…after all they love to rock the boat and make your life as difficult as possible.

Now what happens if you wish to have Permafree but you publish with another distributer?  Good question and one they keep changing their minds on.  As you may have noticed in the past Pronoun used to distribute to Amazon and you could have the book up for FREE from the word go.  Bloody brilliant…except Pronoun have closed down.  Just when you thought it was all over Draft to Digital started to distribute to Amazon…Sadly it was for miminum price.  Their…

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