12 Ways to Challenge Yourself and Level Up Your Writing in 2018

Check out this great post from the Novelty Revisions blog on ways to challenge yourself to level up your writing in 2018

Meg Dowell Writes

1. Dare to ask for feedback on the project you’re most — or least — confident about.

2. Write outside your genre.

3. Write a story from a viewpoint on an issue you disagree with.

4. Take a short break from writing and pay attention to the ideas you generate in its absence.

5. Tell a story without using words.

6. Publish something on a different platform than you’re used to.

7. If you write too much, try writing less.

8. If you don’t write enough, write more.

9. Do something creative that terrifies you.

10. Speak up when you normally wouldn’t.

11. Introduce yourself to another writer. You never know where it might lead.

12. Make a writing resolution you’re not sure you can achieve — and try, really try, until you do it.

Meg is the creator of Novelty Revisions, dedicated to helping writers put their ideas into…

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