Why Every Writer Needs Writer’s Events – From the Writers in the Storm blog

For those of you who have followed my posts over the years, you know I joke a lot about being queen of the troll introverts. I’m happy in my writing cave, it’s comfy there. I have my espresso machine and my fat cats for company. And I have awesome WiFi which means I can chat with all the writers I want via social media and email and FaceTime/Skype. Why would I ever want to leave?

Well, over the last few months, I did leave. I went to three vastly different writer’s events: In May, I participated in the Gaithersburg Book Festival (GBF). Then in August, I went to New York for the Writer’s Digest Conference. And September was the Women’s Fiction Writers Association retreat.

My thoughts on the different types of events:

Read the rest of this post HERE.

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