Moral of the Story

Check out this interesting post from L.R.’s Inkwell blog on the subject morals within stories.

L. R.'s Ink Well

You may not see it right off the bat or even understand what the message is within a story. Sometimes there are no agendas, but other times, a hidden message can be found within the text of many books. There are times that you as the writer don’t realize your own message until you examine your own over all story plot of what you want the reader to get out of the story. A few times, it’s just a warm fuzzy feeling after reading the story, but other times it can be a huge message.


Harry Potter series: moral of the story is love trumps hate. It was love that saved Harry’s life in the beginning, and it was ultimately love (the power Voldemort didn’t have) that won in the end.

Hunger Games: Many things can be said for the Hunger Games series: love, gluttony, sacrificing one self for…

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