An Exciting Adventure to Take My Writing to the Next Level – Please Help

blood match front coverYou’re among the first to know about this

I’m extremely excited to announce that my new book, Blood Match, is enrolled in the Kindle Scout program.

What is the Kindle Scout Program?

Kindle Scout is reader-powered publishing for new, never-before-published books. … Selected books will be published by Kindle Press and receive 5-year renewable terms, an advance,  royalties and featured Amazon marketing.

Why is it important?

If my book is selected for publication by Kindle Scout, it can help take my writing to the next level.

How can you help?

First and foremost, you can vote to nominate my book. The campaign goes up on September 20th at midnight and will continue through October 20th. You can vote for it and preview the opening of the book by clicking HERE.

As a blog follower, how can you really help?

Spread the word. I’ve made that easy for you using something called Thunderclap. Thunderclap is a social media tool that allows you to effortlessly spread the word using your social media accounts with a pre-written message. All of your followers will receive the message. You can help by signing up for the Thunderclap campaign HERE.

What’s in it for you?

Apart from my eternal gratitude, if my book is selected, you will receive a free pre-launch copy from Amazon and will have the opportunity to officially review it before its launch. That is a free book for you, but it also helps me, yet again, by launching with established reviews.

Please check out the Kindle Scout page and vote if you’re so moved. If you want to enroll in the Thunderclap campaign, I would really appreciate it.

Don Massenzio

40 thoughts on “An Exciting Adventure to Take My Writing to the Next Level – Please Help

  1. Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
    Don is a great supporter of Indie Authors in many ways, so this is an opportunity to support him back.
    This is really a TWO IN ONE opportunity – as well as the Thunderclap Campaign above, Don is also looking for volunteers to post his Kindle Scout Campaign information on their blogs over the next 30 days – For details of that, see:

    A Plea for Help From the Wonderful Blogger/Author Community

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: An Exciting Adventure to Take My Writing to the Next Level – Please Help | Annette Rochelle Aben

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