Emotional Beats: Seafaring And A Review

Nicholas C. Rossis

Back in September, I published Emotional Beats: How to Easily Convert your Writing into Palpable Feelings. As promised, I will be posting the book on my blog. So, here is the next installment, continuing Part 3 of the book: Other Beats. This chapter deals with:


Emotional Beats | From the blog of Nicholas C. Rossis, author of science fiction, the Pearseus epic fantasy series and children's books Read for free with KU

A few seafaring-related beats:

  • Below her, the stormy waters of the ocean rose and fell with a thunderous crash, while torrents of rain cascaded downward in slanting, wind-driven sheets. On the horizon, ships sailed in a formation like birds flying south. They bobbed upon the waves, their sails billowing under the strain of harsh winds. The powerful winds were pushing them toward their destination faster than expected.
  • The ship skimmed over the water, picking up speed on its race toward shore. The sails billowed fully, propelling the ship faster. Four minutes later, the ship ground to a stop, its bow…

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