This Week in Indie Publishing News


History Publishing Company Challenges Self Publishing Industry

History Publishing Company LLC, a traditional publisher located in the New York City Metropolitan Area is reaching out to seasoned and first time authors having difficulty finding a viable publisher with an invitation to skirt the self-publishing “embarrassment” and move directly to a traditional publishing house.

Read the rest of this story HERE.


How to Adopt an Authorpreneur Attitude

What do you think of when you think about investing in yourself? If you’re an entrepreneur, it probably brings up good feelings. Businesspeople know a thing or two about investing in their dreams. It’s a truism that you have to spend money to make money. You have to pay to play. Businesspeople talk about the money they put into their businesses—and by extension themselves—with pride. It’s part of the terrain. It’s expected. In fact, it’s admirable.

Read the rest of this story HERE.


You Want to be Published? Be Careful What You Wish For.

If you’re worried about your excessive self esteem, start sending your writing to editors who don’t know who you are or care about your feelings.

Read the rest of this story HERE.

art4What Are Print on Demand Services and How Can I Use Them for My Business?

As a small business owner, it can be a huge risk to invest lots of time and energy manufacturing inventory that you might not even be able to sell. Unfortunately, it’s always been pretty hard to stay afloat without having lots of products and a huge stock to show off. That often leaves struggling start-ups between a rock and a hard place.

Read the rest of this story HERE.


Pointers To Publishing | Break Out Of That Mental Block

I write this article because so many persons have been writing to me saying that they want to write. They have so much to share, but they get distracted, they procrastinate and find all types of excuses as to why they haven’t started yet. These are all part of the old habits keeping you in a place of no progress.

Read the rest of this story HERE.

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