Guest author: Lucy Brazier – From Cambridge to Whitehall

Check out this guest post by the wonderful author, Lucy Brazier via Sue Vincent’s web site

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

octpgdhphp2PorterGirl – with actor Paul Butterworth as Head Porter

Like most writers, the written word has been a passion of mine from a very young age. Once I had learnt how to read, I knew that there was nothing else I wanted more than to write stories of my own. I began by crafting childish tales to read to my teddies, who were perhaps my most captive audience yet. When my mother bought me a typewriter one Christmas, I became unstoppable – tapping away fervently every spare moment I had. She used to joke that at least she always knew where I was, the incessant clattering from my bedroom echoing throughout the house in the days long before laptops and computers were common in the home. I soon progressed to writing for my friends, often including them in the absurd adventures I created, influenced by my childhood reading of Enid…

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