Nine Ways to Stay Inspired and Avoid Blogger Burnout – From the ProBlogger Blog

Most bloggers start off with a huge burst of energy and excitement. But then at some point (often in their first year or two of blogging) they come up against their first bout of “blogger burnout”.

And it can stop them in their tracks.

If you’ve been blogging for a long time then you’ve probably suffered blogger burnout a number of times. I’ve experienced it several times myself during my 16 years as a blogger.

So today I want to share nine ways to stay fresh and inspired with your blogging. They’ll help you spot burnout coming, and head it off before it hits you with full force.

But before we get into them let’s look at some causes of blogger burnout.

Why Does Blogger Burnout Happen?

Blogger burnout can materialise in different forms and for different reasons.

  • You may have run out of topic ideas, and feel you’ve said everything there is to say.
  • You may have become disillusioned with your topic, your niche, or blogging in general.

Read the rest of this post HERE.

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