11 Steps to Find and Connect with Other Authors in Your Genre – From the Writers in the Storm Blog

I’ve befriended many bestselling authors, online and in person, who want to help new writers. They’ve advised me, allowed me to guest post on their blogs, and have written blurbs for my work. They pay it forward. Someday you will too.

You are an author (or will be!) and it’s important to surround yourself with your author community. You are a member of the party now. And every party needs people to make it successful! 😊

Act respectful, professional, and positive in your reaching out to other authors and they will reciprocate. These people can be your biggest influencers when it comes to industry advice and connections with agents, editors, and publishers.

First — how to FIND Comparable Authors

  1. Start with authors you are familiar with in your genre and connect online and in-person.

Read the rest of this post HERE.

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