7 Tips to Being Dramatic . . . In Fiction – From the Legends of Windemere blog

7 Tips to Being Dramatic . . . In Fiction

Adding drama into your writing can be tough and many are leery about adding this due it skewing toward the negative.  Yet, it’s fairly unavoidable if you sit down and consider what can be born from it.  We may even add it without realizing what we’re doing.  There are days I think we all have different views and definitions of drama.  Some people consider it a genre while others call it a literary tool.  So, are there any tips that can cross every genre and be seen as universal?

  1. Drama tends to be seen as highly emotional, which means it can be the cornerstone of conflict.  When a person or character goes through change, they have emotions that guide them just as much as thoughts.  This is part of their growth, so we have to consider this in our writing.  Without this type of drama, the characters become stagnant and never change.  There might not even be a story at all because every event has at least a touch of drama.

via 7 Tips to Being Dramatic . . . In Fiction

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