A Perfect 10 with J. Bliss

This week, I have the pleasure of featuring Author J. Bliss  for this edition of A Perfect 10.

Please enjoy this week’s installment of A Perfect 10


bio photo cropped

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Writing gives me life. It is my very breath, so I would have to say yes writing energizes me or more so electrifies me.

Do you ever write under a pseudonym? If not have you considered it? Why or why not?

Yes…I decided to because I am a versatile writer of multiple genres. I would not want a minor to seek the material I write that is adult literature.

Does a big ego help or hurt writers? Why or why not?

Having a healthy ego is key! A healthy ego is a driven force to success; it challenges the individual to perform at his/her best. Attaining a healthy ego is a motivator to others; the person with a healthy ego presents themselves as confident which inspires another to pursue their goals in life.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

I was doing research to put a novel together and many scenes would take place there. As a result, I went to Paris, lived as a Parisian and attained much information. It was a life changing experience.

What does writing success look like to you?

Being able to write with the financial stability to publish each project so the material can be published and shared with others. Have you achieved it? No, I have not…it is a work in progress.  It takes time for any dream, to build relationships with readers, and to secure funds. I see myself attaining the success, so I push forward knowing it will one day be a reality.

What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? What sources do you use?

It can take me up to two years to do research depending upon what I am going to write. I research education, human rights, current events, relationships, I study people, the way the act, the reason they make decisions as they do, divorce, law, abuse, etc…and how such events impact a person’s mind frame.

I research relationships, sex, food, cultures, and people in general.  The research helps me prepare the stage, to see the current events in my mind so I may paint the words on paper.

How do you select the names of your characters? Have you ever regretted choosing a particular name? Why?

I select names by way of finding symbolic meaning to the character. In my recent book the main male character is Andrew Rodd. In the Bible, one of the first apostles chosen was Andrew. His first name is captured biblically, meaning manly, brave. His name carries the trait of one of revelation and spiritual insight. His last name is a play on word and symbolic of his body in a sensual manner. Even his nickname, Drew is from the Greek origin meaning wise and manly. I thought it would be most fitting to have the first male character as Andrew Rodd, an alpha male; presented in the first installment of the chance series. The young lady character is Jasmine Chance. Her first name means elegance, grace. Biblically it means gift from God. Then there are the many other things such as flowers, fragrances etc…the name Jasmine is connected to. I purposely selected the names based on the type of book, and couple I was joining together in what I like to reference as Drew’s world. The couple is displayed as lovers of fate story. I thought it makes sense to name them what I selected based on the presentation of their relationship.

What is the hardest type of scene to write?

I have yet to discover.

If you could have dinner with four people, living or dead, who would they be and what would you want to ask them?

Prince, Kate Chopin, W.E. Dubois and Josephine Baker.  I don’t know if there is one question I would ask rather, I would study them and want to be in their presence. Being around them would answer questions without proposing the question.

What platform has brought you the most success in marketing your books?

I am still working on that aspect of marketing. I would have to say Facebook to this date. It allows me to schedule and build relationships with readers.

About J. Bliss:

J Bliss Press Kit Info

About J. Bliss’s Books:

27 thoughts on “A Perfect 10 with J. Bliss

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  19. What a great interview, I learned more about the characters. Drew and Jasmine really live up to their names in the Chance Series. I also enjoy reading J. Bliss Perfect, Imperfect Christmas, it is so heartfelt, and touches on many different topics.


  20. I love J . Bliss . She is one very talented woman . The Chance series was my first read by her and I was hooked. I will read anything she publishes . I will tell anyone to read her work . She is also very kind .


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