When You Think Your Writing Sucks – From the Writers in the Storm blog

This is an actual file on my computer:

Image of computer file titled "Read When You Think Your Writing Sucks"

I confess that I’ve accessed it more than once.

Truth is, anyone who’s been writing for a while knows there will be moments when you wonder if you’re really cut out to be a writer.

Pen and crumpled up piece of paperThis feeling strikes writers who struggle to finish their first novel; writers who submit their manuscript only to receive repeated rejections; writers who debut with confetti and fanfare and then worry about whether they can make the magic happen with a second novel; and writers penning their twentieth novel who can’t figure out why writing is still so dadgum hard.

We’re all in this boat together, though sometimes it feels like that boat is leaking and we’re sinking.

Read the rest of this post HERE.

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