You’ll Never Be the Writer You Want to Be If You Deny Your Dreams

Check out this post from the Novelty Revisions blog that tells us You’ll Never Be the Writer You Want to Be If You Deny Your Dreams

Meg Dowell Writes

Dream big.

These two words make up the go-to phrase of pretty much every future-focused inspirational speech out there. But what do they actually mean?

Dream big. Go after what you really want. Do whatever it takes. Be brave. But how?

There are a lot of writers out there who are afraid to admit that they want the “impossible.” They want their own New York Times column. They want to write and direct their own movie. They want to see their name on a bestselling book list.

Why are so many people afraid to admit what they really want?

I don’t know. Maybe it’s because a lot of us are afraid that if we say it out loud, we’ll actually have to do it. And that’s even more terrifying.

Here’s where I might be able to help with that.

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