12 Things Writing Experts Almost Never Tell Aspiring Creatives

Check out this great post from the Novelty Revisions blog with 12 Things Writing Experts Almost Never Tell Aspiring Creatives

Meg Dowell Writes

1. Their way is not the best or only way.

2. You don’t have to be a bestselling author to be a successful writer.

3. Most people aren’t interested in your story until after you’ve actually written it.

4. Talking about what you’re going to do instead of actually doing it isn’t productive at all.

5. No two writers achieve similar goals within the same time frame.

6. Most of the time, rejection doesn’t come with a clear reason. You just have to keep writing anyway.

7. Stop making excuses. If you can’t write, it’s most likely your fault.

8. Writing is hard every step of the way.

9. Eighty percent of the time, it is not fun.

10. Most people who say they’re going to write something never do.

11. Writing advice won’t help you if you don’t actually make an effort to write anything.

12. Writing is a…

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