Episode 6: The Red Mage Cat – Guest Post by Jemima Pett…

Check out this guest post from Jemima Pett from The Story Reading Ape Blog

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Just a reminder, every second Sunday of the month I’m doing a serial with an original illustration from the wonderful Dani English, who also does my book covers.

If you missed the previous months, here is JanuaryFebruary, March, April and May

It’sJune, and we reach Part6 in my serial starring two fox-rabbits, a magpie, a man, his horse and various other travellers they find on their adventure.

We left the Adventurers searching for the ranger, Carver, who had disappeared from their camp in the forest.

Carver’s world had turned upside down. Blood pounded in his head, singing in his ears. His hair fell straight up from his head, and sweat dripped upwards too. He shook his head to clear it from his eyes and wished he hadn’t. A vague sloshing feeling in his brain made him feel very ill indeed. He wriggled a little…

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