Are You Sick and Tired of Editing Your Book? – From the Writers in the Storm blog

Frustrated woman at desk with pile of papers beside her

I’m currently working on yet another edit of my young adult book that managed to eke out an RWA Golden Heart final in 2015. You’d think this baby would be in pretty good shape.

When I entered my novel into that contest, it was hardly a first draft. More like Draft #72.

I think I’m up to about Draft #105.

Or maybe that’s just how many whine sessions I’ve had about having to revise the manuscript in some way, shape, or form.

Didn’t I hear how Stephen King only goes through three times? How about Ray Bradbury who wrote the short story from which Fahrenheit 451 came in a single draft? Am I simply destined to be a pen-wielding Sisyphus pushing the bolder of my book up the hill again and again, never quite reaching the final destination before it falls down on me yet again?

Read the rest of this post HERE.

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