Writing Links 1/15/18

Check out these writing links from the When Genres Collide blog.

Where Genres Collide Traci Dowe YA Author

panoramic-3049543__340Writing Links 1/15/18

Traci Kenworth



  1. https://phsolomon.com/2018/01/07/interviews-with-tordug-part-2-an-arrow-against-the-wind/a fictitious news report.” Trouble brewing for sure.
  2. https://unicornbell.blogspot.com/2018/01/herding-sheep.html “Misdirection fascinates me.” A handy trick to practice.
  3. https://legendsofwindemere.com/2018/01/12/life-of-an-innocent-bystander/ “This post is more about the mentality of an innocent bystander than how to use them because they’re fairly simple.” I sometimes give them as much trouble as my main characters. I can get just as sad for them as the star.




  1. http://avajae.blogspot.com/2018/01/different-kinds-of-pov-slips-and-how-to.html “POV slips are incredibly common, in large part because there’s a variety of them and because, well, when you’re the author who knows everything it’s easy to forget your POV character isn’t privy to everything you know.” They can happen to the best of us.
  2. https://amytruebloodauthor.com/announcing-the-2018-sun-vs-snow-agents/ Agents announced! Jan. 23 Sun vs. Snow contest.
  3. http://yatopia.blogspot.com/2018/01/aspiring-in-2018-with-laura-steven.html “Dreams are often portrayed as things that’ll only happen in the distant future. Aspirations a longing to get there. But what if…

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