Raven’s Dawn Part 6 #horror #thriller #Halloween

Check out this installment of Raven’s Dawn – Part 6 by Charles Yallowitz from the Legends of Windemere blog.

Legends of Windemere

(One step back if you feel lost.)

Hollins University

Aurora closes her textbook and starts glaring at her brother, who continues staring at his notes. Deciding not to speak until she has calmed down, she goes to her dresser and hunts for a scrunchie to put her hair up with. Grabbing a mesh bag, the tired student throws in the ones that she forgot to clean last weekend. Aurora decides on a red one from the bottom, but realizes that it used to be white before a disastrous dissection in her zoology class. She can still vividly remember the sound of something bursting from the table behind her and the sensation of warmth and stickiness striking her head. Giving up on the distraction, she slams the drawer shut and whirls around to find that her brother is on his phone. Even though Apollo is trying to look like he is…

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