Meet Guest Author Jacquie Biggar…

Meet guest author Jacquie Biggar via The Story Reading Ape Blog

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

The Birth of a Book Baby

jacquie-biggarMany readers ask, where do writers come up with their storylines?

That question is not as easy to answer as one might think.

As we go through life we’re exposed to different elements that shape the way we look at the world. For some, this can include travel, sports, job choices, family, friends, even health. Everything affects the stories we write.

Recently, DH (darling hubby) and I moved over twelve hundred miles to the west coast of Canada to be closer to our daughter and grandson while she attends university. I sold the restaurant I’d owned and operated for thirteen years and my husband searched for a new job closer to home so he wouldn’t have that long drive every two weeks. Thankfully, he found one fast and we settled into our new life. With some sudden time on my hands I decided to…

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