Meet Guest Author Steve Boseley…

Check out this guest post by author Steve Boseley on The Story Reading Ape blog. I had the pleasure of featuring Steve in my Perfect 10 author interview series. Here is a chance to learn more about him.

Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog

Everything you always wanted to know about me, but didn’t care enough to ask.

steve-boseleyIf you are looking for horror fiction that is chock-full to the brim with werewolves and zombies, I’m probably not your man. I write horror (amongst other things) that people can (hopefully) relate to. If pressed, I would say I write horror that takes the ordinary and mundane and makes it extraordinary and fantastic. I want to write about people like you and me that are dragged towards the edges of their reality and shown what lies just beyond.

Hello. I’m Steve, and I’m an author (AA is Authors Anonymous, right?).

I started writing as a much younger man, but lost my way when life interjected. Children, house, bills, health. But isn’t that always the way? I found my way back to writing several years ago and it feels like a familiar place. There are good…

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