The case for joining the Authors Guild

Amazon has been shafting KDP Select authors, and even if this is by accident, writers need to push for swift remedies. David VanDyke’s post in TeleRead masterfully chronicled the mess.

But blogging can go only so far in righting this wrong.

The need will remain for advocacy groups for writers regardless of the changing publishing scene—or maybe because of it.

So I would challenge Nate Hoffelder’s recent headline in The Digital Reader: The Authors Guild Now Recruiting Writers Before They Know Better Than to Join TAG.

“Emerging writers” can now join for the Authors Guild for $100 a year, under a new arrangement. Here’s the form. The cost is $25 less than the $125 for full and associate members, and you don’t have to earned such-and-such an amount for your work.

Newbies will be able to enjoy such benefits as “publishing industry updates and advice; marketing and social media…

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